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Wednesday 23 July 2014

Importing Contacts

Importing large amounts of contact data is easy.

Start at our Contact Data Import Page
Select one of the 3 options.
If you are uploading an Excel spreadsheet.

  • save the provided template to your computer
  • Populate it according to the embedded instructions
  • Upload it via the same Contact Data Import Page.

If something goes wrong and you need your uploaded data deleted - just drop us a line.

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Groups and Tags

Tags are a flexible system OfficeBooks offers to linking records, or putting records into categories.

They're pretty simple to use.  Just look for the Tag icon on any record (near the top of the screen), and click it.  A tag field will be displayed.  Type a word and it becomes a tag (no spaces allowed).  OfficeBooks will suggest tags as you type so you can easily select existing tags.

The Group Explorer page allows you to view all records that share a tag (or set of tags).  This is useful if you want to track all records that relate to a specific project.

All the tags you have applied to records within your OfficeBooks account are displayed on the left of the screen.  When you select a flag, the section to the right will refresh to display all records that are tagged with that keyword.

The Group Explorer filters records to show records that match ALL tags selected.  So a record that was tagged with "ProjectX" would not appear if you filter results for "ProjectX" and "ProjectY".

The list screens for each record category (items, contacts, POs, sales, etc) allow you to search by tag as well - and you can then use the Export option to output a spreadsheet with the filtered data.

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.

QuickBooks Online (QBO) integration

OfficeBooks allows you to push new accounts receivable (invoice) records to your QBO account.

To connect your QBO account to your OfficeBooks account, go to Finance, then QuickBooks, and click the QuickBooks icon on that page.  Once the accounts are connected, a small Intuit box will be displayed in the top right of your screen.  This allows you to quickly switch between your QBO and OfficeBooks accounts.

In the normal course of doing business with OfficeBooks, you will generate invoices.  These will be queued up under Finance->QuickBooks for your review.  At some point (day's end is good), simply go to that page, and click the button to push this data to your QBO account.

Some important notes

  • Sales taxes should be set up in OfficeBooks to match your sales taxes in QBO.
  • OfficeBooks supports multiple currencies.  If a currency doesn't exist in your QBO setup when an invoice is transferred, the QBO invoice will be saved in your main currency.
  • If there are issues with the data transfer (duplicate records is the most common), the OfficeBooks interface will display a message with the details provided by QBO about the issue.  You can use this information to address the issue yourself, or share it with so we can see what we can do about helping you.

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.

Working with PO Approvals

The PO approval process with OfficeBooks is pretty straightforward.

As you invite new users to join your account, you can define the maximum value they can approve for purchase orders.  Setting this value low (say at 1) means that any PO they generate will require approval from a user with the appropriate authority.

Users with low approval limits can still generate POs.  But the button that normally says "Send PO" instead says "Request Approval".  Clicking that button dispatches the request for approval via email to all users within your company who have the approval authority.

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Pricing for credit card payment processing

OfficeBooks offers you the ability to accept credit cards through the integration of the interface.

Pricing for this service has 3 components.

2.9% per transaction (charged by Stripe)  (this varies by region)
0.6% per transaction (charged by OfficeBooks)
$0.30 per transaction

For example, on a $100 transaction, the fees would be broken down as follows:

To Stripe: $2.90 + $0.30 = $3.10
To OfficeBooks: $0.60

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Security and best practices for credit card payments.

OfficeBooks uses Stripe to clear credit cards on your behalf.   Stripe is a PCI Level 1 Service Provider (that's as secure as it gets).  When you (or your customer) provide credit card details via OfficeBooks, you are actually connected directly to the Stripe servers via an encrypted interface.  OfficeBooks doesn't store your customer's credit details.

Complete details about Stripe's security infrastructure can be found here:

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.

How to collect payments from your customers online via credit card with OfficeBooks.

Credit card clearance is available for companies based in the USA, Canada, the UK, and Ireland.

Initial setup
  • Go to the settings menu in OfficeBooks and select "Receive Payments"
  • Click the "Connect with Stripe" button to link your Stripe account to your OfficeBooks account.
  • If you don't already have a Stripe account, you will be prompted to create one.  It's extremely quick and easy (that's why we selected Stripe).  You don't even need a merchant bank account.
  • That's it.  All done with the setup!

Collecting Payments

Option 1
  • Create an invoice as you normally would.
  • Click the "Send by email" button to issue the invoice to your customer via email.
  • Sit back and wait - you'll get an email when the payment is made.
Option 2
  • If your customer has provided their credit card details to you, you can enter them yourself.
  • From the invoice screen, click the "charge to credit card" button.
  • A secure payment terminal will be displayed for you to enter the payment details.

See here for information on pricing for credit card clearance

Confused? Want more help? Just email us at We like to help.